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FA0001. London (United Kingdom), 14/12/2014.- Contestants stand on stage during the grand final of the Miss World 2014 pageant at the Excel London ICC Auditorium, in London, Britain, 14 December 2014. (Londres) EFE/EPA/FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA

FA0001. London (United Kingdom), 14/12/2014.- Contestants stand on stage during the grand final of the Miss World 2014 pageant at the Excel London ICC Auditorium, in London, Britain, 14 December 2014. (Londres) EFE/EPA/FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA

8 de 9 » FA0001. London (United Kingdom), 14/12/2014.- Contestants stand on stage during the grand final of the Miss World 2014 pageant at the Excel London ICC Auditorium, in London, Britain, 14 December 2014. (Londres) EFE/EPA/FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA

Gana sudafricana Miss Mundo 2014

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FA0001. London (United Kingdom), 14/12/2014.- Contestants stand on stage during the grand final of the Miss World 2014 pageant at the Excel London ICC Auditorium, in London, Britain, 14 December 2014. (Londres) EFE/EPA/FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA FA0001. London (United Kingdom), 14/12/2014.- Contestants stand on stage during the grand final of the Miss World 2014 pageant at the Excel London ICC Auditorium, in London, Britain, 14 December 2014. (Londres) EFE/EPA/FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA

FA0001. London (United Kingdom), 14/12/2014.- Contestants stand on stage during the grand final of the Miss World 2014 pageant at the Excel London ICC Auditorium, in London, Britain, 14 December 2014. (Londres) EFE/EPA/FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGALa representante de Sudáfrica, Rolene Strauss, de 22 años, fue elegida Miss Mundo 2014, al término de la gala celebrada en Londres, en la que participaron candidatas de 121 países.

Autor: EFE, publicada el 14 de diciembre de 2014

Galería completa: Gana sudafricana Miss Mundo 2014

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